
The Colossus of Prora – image is from Wikipedia

“Strength through Joy” was the program the Nazi’s operated from 1936-1939. I was watching a show about abandoned structures on the Discovery+ and Prora came up. The Nazi’s built this facility to house up to 50k people at a time. They would eat together, exercise together, watch/read the same propaganda and so on. What a unique idea to brainwash a large portion of the population into believing the same way. Today the Democrats use social media and the television to brainwash people into believing what is wrong is now right. If you don’t believe me then try to disagree with one of them on Facebook. All who disagree with their stance is immediately pegged a racist. How have we come to this point to where if it’s posted then it’s fact? Why do we believe Anderson Cooper when his facts are nothing more than opinion?

In reality it all started when Adam took the forbidden fruit. But that’s not really what we want when trying to explain this is it? The United States is supposed to be this experiment in freedom of all sorts; but hasn’t it declined into nothing more than a nation of slaves doing the bidding of their masters. Cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, White Supremacy, Black Supremacy, Pride, Woke – All of these divisive terms are designed to keep the people in line. I remember back in the 1980’s the people of Colorado voted not to give special rights and privilege’s to those who identified as gay. Every hate group in the Democratic party descended upon the state calling us every negative term conceivable. Through television shows, television talk shows, radio, liberals flooding in to take residency, and by wagging of fingers to all who disagree the people of Colorado were shamed into accepting laws that provide specific individuals with special treatment. Listen – God made all equal. The Constitution declares all people equal. A government that intervenes will only cause inequality. Equality begins at home. Do you raise your child to fear certain groups of other people? If you do then you are the problem. Do you raise your child to be superior to other groups of people? Then you are the problem.

In rolls modern day Prora. How many hours per day do you sit and watch TV, listen to the radio, read the news, surf the internet, and/or follow social media? Every single second you allow someone else manipulate you into believing wrong is right is a loss of you as an individual. You CAN respect an individual without accepting their sin. Gay people should be respected just as much as anyone else in your life. Jesus walked with lepers – he never rejected them, shamed them, or damned them. He also never took on their disease. He did heal those who wanted to be healed.


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